The Best Echo material in Print!! Every Echo program needs to teach using this Book!! "It is a must for reading and learning!" - Margaret
Thank you, Susan! Your book is like a Bible for me, it was the only thing I studied for the CCI and ARDMS. As you can see, it has been thoroughly used (picture of worn out book not included here)! I'm looking forward to the new edition. - Genevieve
Hi, I just wanted to say thank you! I passed my RCS exam today (3/28/24) and your book was the main thing I used to study. Very helpful and you do a great job creating echo education from a sonographer's point of view. I'll recommend your books to anyone I know taking the test. I was a vascular sonographer for 10 years and was lucky enough to work somewhere that brought me along in echo and got on the job training. But I passed the echo exam despite zero actual academic classes because of YOU. - Thanks, Brian, RCS
Thank you for your workbook/noteobok. I truly believe your material is why I was able to pass (the ARDMS registry, 3/23/24). I was cross-trained in echo and never had any didactic teaching. I pretty much taught myself with your help. So again, thank you!!! - Carl, RCS
Thank you!!! I want you to know I absolutely love your continuing education books. These are my definite go-to for my continuing education credits. - Michelle, CME participant
Best book and workbook I have used in the past 20 years. I was able to take the time to absorb concepts before moving on. Paced the reading over several months. Great drawings and explanations. - Beverly, CME participant
What did you like best about this program? It was very easy to follow and really helped me understand echo well! What did you like least? N/A, I loved it all. What content would you suggest for future CME activities? This whole book - I would recommend to any sonographer learning echo. - Courtney, CME participant
I just want to tell you that I have been doing echoes for 27+ years and yours is still the most user-friendly, well-organized, comprehensive learning tool I have come across. I’ve used it to teach students in the lab and in the classroom. And now I want it for myself as a personal reference. I’m sure you hear that a lot, but just want to add my praise and gratitude! Thank you very much and God bless! - Rebecca
I just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work in putting this book together. Going through school we used the ___ Echocardiography textbook and the whole time I felt like it was drowning. During my last semester we used your book for our review class before taking our registry exams and it seemed like everything just clicked. Your work packs so much information but you lay it out in a simplistic way that is so easy to understand and digest. I can't sing you enough praises and always recommend your book to students I meet or those taking their registry. Thank you again! - Sarah
Your echo notebook is excellent! I recommended your book to every echo tech I know. I've been doing echo's for 20+ years and I still learned new things and have a better understanding of other things thanks to you. I think most of us get caught up in the day to day of getting the best images possible as quickly as possible and forget some of the elusive disease processes we need to be on the lookout for. Which is why I intend to use your book as an annual review. - Rebekah
I received my package today. I can't wait to dive in. Thanks so much for making Echo understandable, for all of us. -Karyn
(You passed the CME activity!) Thank you for the great news Susan. For some reason I just dread CME meetings, away from home, so much information so fast, I just shut down. This was actually fun, my own pace at my own time, will definitely do again (referring to the new edition in the future). Thanks again. - Tim
Susan puts things into perspective for fellow sonographers and/or future sonographers! This book is so easy to read and follow! This was the perfect way to refresh my brain and memory. Awesome CME activity! - Kelsey
I received my Notebook and Workbook, and I wanted to tell you I am very impressed. It far exceeds my expectations, you have done a great job organizing all the information and pictures and it is written in plain terms that help break it down to learn. I even showed my fellow employee that is training me and she has been doing echo for +18 years and she was impressed. - Jennifer
I have been scanning for 15 years and yet I learned a lot from this CME. I Love Love Love the Notebook! I liked that I could take my time & review things. This CME activity was very complete. I am 68 and still working. Since I am required to find and purchase my own CMEs, I wanted you to know that I have enjoyed your book the most. Thank you - Jodi
Your book is fantastic. Thanks for putting this together :) I really like how you designed and wrote the notebook. It’s very approachable and easy to understand. I also really appreciate how you included a lot of visuals (with color!) and a summary at the end of each subject. This is a fantastic book! Thank you for making this! - Michael
I appreciate your contribution to the field of Echocardiography, every day I go to work and use it to assist my CVTECH students to learn cardiac ultrasound. Great work! - Rick
I have enjoyed THE NOTEBOOK 7 and workbook immensely. I think it is a must read for anyone interested in echocardiography. Please extend the availability to earn credits for on going accreditation. - David
My triennium is ending this December so I’m going to order your latest version and redo the book.Your book has helped me become so much better with my exams and so much more thorough in every area including how I word my worksheet. I wish I had this 6 years ago!! Thanks again! - J. Arthur
I would like to say thank you for your well-written book. I have scanned for many many years and in that time purchased just about everything out there. Hands down, you wrote for the sonographer. I enjoy reading your book and I keep it on my desk for easy references. Warm wishes from a fellow sonographer, - E. Sansone, RCS, FASE
I'm so thankful our instructor switched to the "DeWitt" book this year. I find it very easy to understand and actually enjoy reading it. My favorite feature is the summary at the end of each section. It makes for a great study guide and all the key points have already been assembled for you. Thank you for taking the time to put this book together. I will treasure this book for years to come. - B. Spencer
Hello Susan! Proud to say I passed my CCI test today !!!! Your book was so easy to understand, the workbook was a bonus !!! Thank you so much. -D. Ybarra
You have published the most practical sonographer related echo book in existence. I have referred others to it as well. - D. Karesha
Hi Susan, I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH. I used your notebook and workbook for the CCI registry and I PASSED!!!! I took it twice before and missed it by a few points. A friend told me about your book and I ordered it online that day. I couldn't wait to read it. I read it from front to back and then did the workbook, then reviewed the book again. It helped me so much and I enjoyed reading the book. I had the LIGHTBULB moment and I am so happy I did! Thank you again for your help and for your book!! – Christina
Today I took my RCS registry and passed! I just wanted you to know that your notebook format is easy to understand and study and it was the main thing I used in preparation for my test. Thanks - you did a great job compiling all of that information! - M. Vance
Just wanted to thank you again for your excellent text and workbook. They played a big part in helping me pass the RDCS exam on 11/21. I was cross training from general and vascular ultrasound and without the formal background found the material was very challenging. After working with your book and workbook thing finally become understandable. - M. Warshaw
I wanted to thank you for your books! I just got registered by ARDMS as RDCS. Your books really helped me understand Echo better than I ever have with countless other books. I finally had that "light bulb" moment you wrote about. And even though I'm now done with my exams, I will continue to re-read your book just for fun... because I began to really love Echo. I want to add that your book is so well organized and so easy to read! Other books took an already complex subject like Echocardiography and proceeded to complicate it further. However, your book broke it down into easy-to-understand concepts and made studying that much simpler. And because it's so well organized, I was able to compartmentalize the information in my head for fast retrieval later on. No more jumbled mess! I doubt very much that I would've passed my first try without this book! - A very grateful, newly registered tech! ;-)
I just wanted to take the time out to thank you for your helpful study materials I purchased from you. I found the study book and workbook to be extremely resourceful in my journey to passing this exam. You get 10 stars in my book and I was so well prepared I even finished the exam an hour earlier than expected. Thank you again and God Bless.
- J. Temple
Several years ago I purchased your wonderful "Notebook", Ed. 5. I suggested it to a co-worker who is just starting to learn echo. Her copy of 6.5 (and workbook) just arrived. What a huge progression! I love the new edition! So much more fantastic info, diagrams, illustrations!! I just ordered my own update (and workbook for review)! Congratulations on a fabulous job! All the best, - R. B., RDMS, RDCS, RVT
I really enjoyed your books. We used them in school as textbooks and 2 1/2 years later it's still been a great resource for me. I've recommended them to others too. I passed both my CCI and ARDMS registries by using your book and studying hard. :) It's a great understandable format that provides a wealth of knowledge. - D. Warner
I purchased your NOTEBOOK and WORKBOOK a while back. I am 60 years old and have been in the field 37 years. I have not been successful in passing echo or vascular registry exams in the past over the years. Today I successfully past the CCI RCS exam with a score of 797 and I credit you with providing me with a guide that took me down the right track so I could rise above all my fears of the past in achieving my goal to become registered. Thank you for creating a wonderful study guide to lead to my success. - R. Spindle
Thank you so much for all that you do! I'm sure that you get overloaded with emails daily, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your work with your workbook and notebook. I purchased the notebook and workbook set some time ago back to pass my RCS, and it helped so much! I'm now planning on finishing my ARDMS and I knew that your workbook would again be essential. I have recommended it to anyone that has asked for a resource or something to study for the exams. Thanks again and I look forward to keeping up with what you continue to do. Have a great holiday!! - Elizabeth
I want to tell you how much I admire and appreciate all the hard work you put into the Notebook & Workbook! It is so difficult to attend conferences off site in this economy and your efforts are a great fit for our needs. Thanks again! - D. Beck-Colyott
I want to thank you for your book. I am an ultrasound technician (RVS) but I also do echocardiograms on a daily basis. I was trained to do echoes on the job and was a little unclear about some of the physiology, electrical conduction like understanding EKGs and had little knowledge about the fetal circulation and fetal heart. After reading your book (3 times cover to cover) in preparation for the RCS exam, I undoubtedly understood every concept and topic covered on the test. I thoroughly enjoyed it and recommended it to my coworkers. Oh and I did pass my RCS exam on the first try! =D Thanks again,
- S. Tamez, RCS, RVS
I received my books, and I have to tell you already I Love Them!!! It is the easiest to understand the best laid out information and diagrams! I wished I would have had this last year. Thank you for all your hard work and insight in writing this. It is a blessing! Wanted to share my appreciation. - K. Citro, 2nd year student
I just wanted to let you know that I took and passed the CCI-RCS exam today (I got a 829!). As you may remember, I have been out of the field for a few years as I took some time to raise my family and am now hoping to return to my chosen profession as an Echo Tech ... Your book and workbook were extremely helpful! I wanted to thank you once again for helping me out. - J. Woolard
Hello Susan, Thank you so much for providing a desk copy of The Notebook, 6.5 Edition. My new students remark how helpful the layout is to them. I also find the Notebook very comprehensive and a helpful reference source. - Prof. Darryl Isaac, RDCS, RCCS, FASE, Director, CVT Program, Orange Coast College
Susan, I cannot verbalize the impact that your book had on my studies for the ARDMS Adult Echocardiography exam. I am a formally trained vascular technologist with no formal education in echo at all. I landed the opportunity to cross-train into your modality and decided to sit for the registry. I tried to read everything. I was just not getting it. I had convinced myself that I would have to memorize as much information as I could retain in the hopes of getting lucky on exam day. Then one day while I was shadowing Kathy and I asked her to explain pre-load and after-load to me. She told me that she would bring me a book that would explain it to me in an easy-read fashion. That day changed my life. I read your book from cover to cover in three days (twice more for fun) and after that initial time it all just clicked. I was able to answer most questions from my other study material after that. I walked into that exam with more confidence than I had when I sat for my RVT and I had went to school for that. I can remember sitting in front of that computer and saying "BRING IT ON!" Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and understanding with people like me. I believe that it takes a special person to be able to reach others and lift them up. I will tell any and everybody about you book for the rest of my career! Also, I am going to purchase a copy of your latest edition and workbook. - D. Latta, BS, RVT (almost RDCS) :o)
Hey Susan, I took the CCI exam today. I passed!!!!! Yeah!! Wahoo. Thank you so much for your book. It is amazing. It really helped me. I will send in for the 25 credits in three years or whenever I need to renew. - S. Okleshan, RCS
I just wanted to say that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Notebook and Workbook set, and that they are going to be my main source for studying for the registry. Honestly, they are better than the textbooks I used in school! My instructor is well aware of that, believe me! Thank you so much for providing such awesome books for those of us learning echocardiography. Again, thank you for providing such a wonderful source of learning the 'ins and outs' of echo...and God bless you for doing it!!! - D. Mattocks
I would like to thank you for writing your book. I took the CCI RCS exam this past Wednesday and had been using your book as my primary study guide. It really helped me understand and clarify the concepts behind what was tested on the exam. By doing this, it helped me think in the right direction in determining the correct answers. I feel the key behind your book is your ability to explain the content in a straightforward and common sense manner. This allows anyone that reads your book to not only know what is normal but able to predict what is abnormal and the pathology behind it. I do not think I would have done as well as I did had it not been for your book. Thank you very much!!!
- Sandeep
I want to inform you that I'M SO EXCITED to get this book of yours. I have honestly never heard of it until last night that I took a break from studying, and went online to INDEED.COM and it was there in one of the forums that people were talking about your book. I then Googled your book and it lead me to your web page, looked over the book and fell in love with your presentation. I'm so happy that someone like you FINALLY made a book easy to understand worth buying! I'm preparing for RCS, and I'm really counting on your book to bring everything together in a clear manner so I could PASS this test. I will inform you how that goes once I take it. Wish me luck, and CONGRATS for being such a successful woman, I really look up to you and you have truly inspired me. - C. Dalessandro, Future RCS and ARDMS
Thank you, honestly one of the best formats for teaching echo that I’ve come across. I wish you lots of success; you deserve it!! - T. Denard, RCS, Instructor, Sanford Brown, Atlanta
Your book is great. It provides a bridge between being a student and becoming a sonographer. Thank you so much. – D. Kent, Instructor, Sanford Brown, Atlanta
I am an instructor for the cardiac portion of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program in our school. I have just received a copy of the updated editions of the books that you created. I just want to compliment you on the excellent work that you have done. In the past, I have highly recommended your books to my students. My students have responded and have expressed great appreciation for the manner in which the material is presented – in a language that they can understand, yet complex in its detail. Kudos to you for a magnificent job! - P. Penner, RDCS, CRCS, MLE, Instructor, DMS, SAIT Polytechnic
I just opened and browsed through my desk copy of your 6th edition and wanted to thank you and let you know how impressed I am with the improvements. I can hardly wait for the fall semester to begin. I’m confident our students will enjoy learning from your text and will keep it as a reference even after they complete our program. Thanks again for your hard work and commitment to the education of echocardiographers. – L. Robinson, AS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, RT(R) CT, Clinical Coordinator/Instructor, Chattanooga State Technical Community College
I received the new Echocardiography…From a Sonographer’s Perspective (6th Edition) this week. WOW! I love it. I can’t wait for my new students to see it on Monday. Of course I’ll let them see the 5th Edition so they will appreciate how much information and study helps are now available for them to succeed as new Sonography students. Thank you for all the hard work and countless hours you poured into this new edition. I especially like the expanded chapters on basic embryology, fetal circulation and invasive procedures. I would highly recommend your books to students as well as seasoned Echocardiographers. Every day I learn as I teach, and I love seeing those “light bulb moments” you mentioned in your introduction happen...keeps me passionate about my job! - L. Stanley, RDCS Instructor, Echocardiography, Ogeechee Technical College
I received my desk copy of THE NOTEBOOK (6th Edition) and the INSTRUCTORS WORKBOOK and I love them! You did a phenomenal job. Thank you for the additions. I will not have to supplement with outside materials for the summer course I teach prior to the students going to clinicals. Thanks again for taking the time and putting in the effort to produce such a quality textbook. – J. Turner BS, RDCS, RVTDMS, Program Director, Cincinnati State Technical and Community College
I just wanted to let you know that Echo is a lot easier to teach with your book. It has been a salvation to me. The students love it. One of my students was reading her book in clinic and a student from another school said she wanted to order it. Good Luck! - D. Sanchez-Suarez, BS, RDMS, RDCS, Program Coordinator, DMS Program, Miami Dade College
Sure, the same info is found in dozens of places but I love your clear presentation! It is concise and in "appropriate doses" with great drawings, tables and frame shots! I even like the type you've chosen...informal but very clear and readable. Bravo! to you! Each page or two is complete unto itself. In refreshing my technical echo skills, I really appreciate the "Sonographer's Perspective." I know your Notebook will suit my needs very well...beautiful to look at and a great focusing guide in my review! I've already recommended it to a friend! - R. Burnett, BS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, Owner, Overland Sonography, Inc.
You might want to look at Susan K. DeWitt's "Echocardiography... from a Sonographer's Perspective: THE NOTEBOOK", 5th edition. It is a "cottage industry" book that Ms. DeWitt publishes herself. She also has a student workbook and faculty handbook that goes with it... We use it and are happy with it. (I have no connection with the book other than as a textbook). - TJ DuBose, M.S., RDMS, FSDMS, FAIUM, Associate Professor and Director, Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
I want you to know that I am very impressed with "Echocardiography…From a Sonographer's Perspective: THE NOTEBOOK." It has taken the stress out of studying. Thank you again. I will be in touch; I have to get back to studying…I am giving you an update after studying for the Adult Echo exam. Your book is a great tool for the visual learner. I am proud to share with you that I have earned the RDCS credential from ARDMS. – T. Gibson Perkins, BS, RDCS, RCS
I would like to say your material is wonderful. Coming from an Invasive background this text has been of tremendous value to not only my students, but me as well. - T. Strickland, RT(R), RCIS, Cardiovascular Technology Instructor/ Program Chair, Central Georgia Technical College
ECHO…THE NOTEBOOK & THE WORKBOOK are the most user friendly and easily understandable language and very practical book for classes and Board exam currently available on the market. – B. Khan, MD
What a wonderful surprise! Susan K. DeWitt's Echocardiography.... From a Sonographer's Perspective, 5th Edition is just what I've been looking for to use in the classroom. Well organized with specific objectives, THE NOTEBOOK closely follows the ARDMS content outline, presenting the information you need and want while THE WORKBOOK provides hundreds of questions based on the same material. In my opinion, the best thing about the set is that it does NOT assume a certain pre-existing level of knowledge on the part of the reader...especially important for the student new to echocardiography! Very user-friendly and non-intimidating! Thank you, Susan! - S. Craft, MS, RDCS, RVT, Cardiac Coordinator/Clinical Coordinator, Diagnostic Sonography Program, St. Catharine College
My faculty and I have adopted ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY…From a Sonographer's Perspective: The Notebook and The Workbook as required texts for our Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program's Cardiac Sonography section. It is well organized and concise. Because it is "by a Sonographer" for Sonographers, its tone and "feel" is down to earth and not as formal and "stuffy" as some texts we have evaluated. The Fifth Edition has some excellent additions. The drawings and images are of good quality, and the Workbook nicely compliments the Notebook. Some Sonographers in our area have found it helpful from a Boards prep perspective. – D. Jones BA, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, RCT, Dept. of Allied Health, Washburn University
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY…From a Sonographer's Perspective (5th Edition) is an outstanding reference book for students and practicing Sonographers. It provides detailed images, diagrams, and the “how to” for all of the normal and complex pathologies. As an Educator, I have found it to be an essential resource for my teaching modalities. My students love it." - R. Palma BS, RDCS, APS, FASE Director and Clinical Coordinator, The Hoffman Heart Institute, Connecticut School of Cardiac Ultrasound
I have been performing echos since 1982. I became registered in 1984. I am an Instructor in San Antonio, Texas at BAMC, Fort Sam Houston. I am the Civilian Phase 2 Instructor and your book has been a major blessing. This has been something I could have used in the 13 years of teaching here at BAMC. We hope to make it our primary reference for technicians who are learning Echo. – V. LaManna, Instructor, BAMC
The books are working out great!!! The students have indicated they find the book easy to understand and written at their level. Echocardiography...From a Sonographer’s Perspective provides a clear, comprehensive and concise description of the echo examination, adult and infant anatomy and hemodynamics as well as cardiac disease states. The students have also indicated the drawings placed next to the actual echo images facilitates learning how to interpret echocardiograms. – J. Davis, Director, Edison Community College
Susan DeWitt’s ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY…From a Sonographer’s Perspective offers an easy to understand approach to cardiac sonography. The drawings and sonographic images are a great adjunct and the workbook allows the students to test themselves. – J. Dolk, MA, RT(R), RDMS, Director of Allied Health Education, University of Maryland Baltimore County